At the CMP of Rs. 1055, the stock is trading at full year ttm P/E multiple of 58 times with ttm EPS of Rs 17.1 per share.
At the CMP of Rs. 1055, the stock is trading at full year ttm P/E multiple of 58 times with ttm EPS of Rs 17.1 per share.
The Company has reported consolidated Total Income for the quarter ended 30th June, 2021 was higher by 36% at Rs. 1860 crores as compared to Rs. 1364 crores in the corresponding quarter last year.
Net Profit (after tax) has increased by 49%, at Rs. 122 crores as compared to Rs. 82 crores in the corresponding quarter last year.
Earnings per Share as at June 30, 2021 was Rs. 3.68 compared to Rs. 2.45 last year.
Its operations and financial results for the quarter ended 30th June, 2021 has been impacted due to outbreak of second wave of COVID-19 pandemic during the peak season because of lockdowns and restricted operational hours even after easing of state-wide lockdowns. Nevertheless, the business activities were resumed gradually following the relaxations and directives issued by various State Governments as well as Local Authorities in India and other countries where the Group has business operations, albeit with constraints of workforce and free accessibility to the project sites.
The impact of COVID-19 may be different from that estimated as at the date of approval of these financial results and management will continue to monitor any material changes arising due to the impact of this pandemic on financial and operational performance of the Group and take necessary measures to address the situation.
Unitary Cooling Products for Comfort and Commercial use: Given the smaller window available during the quarter, upon easing of the lockdowns, the Unitary Cooling Products business made good recovery and achieved overall volume growth of 10%. Voltas continues to be the market leader and is at No.1 position in ACs with exit market share of 26.7% as of June 2021. On back of the volume growth, Gross Segment Revenue increased by 19% and was at Rs.963 crores as compared to Rs. 811 crores in the corresponding quarter last year. Segment Result was at Rs. 118 crores as compared to Rs. 114 crores in the corresponding quarter last year, given the customer centric sales promotional expenses incurred during the current quarter.
Electro-Mechanical Projects and Services: The Segment has reported higher revenue of Rs. 688 crores as compared to Rs. 412 crores in the corresponding quarter last year, an increase of 67%. Segment profit was Rs. 31 crores as compared to loss of Rs. 44 crores last year, a positive swing of Rs 75 crores. Improvement in Revenue and Result was due to good progress made on execution of certain on-going projects.
Engineering Products and Services: Segment Revenue and Result for the quarter almost doubled and was higher at Rs. 115 crores and Rs. 38 crores as compared to Rs. 48 crores and Rs. 20 crores, respectively in the corresponding quarter last year.
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