It is a technique in which initially stocks will be identified with the use of a combination of Technical Indicators and Momentum Oscillators
Once the stock is identified, we time it using advanced derivatives techniques so as to capitalize ongoing momentum in that scrip/index
We currently offer multiple frequency like Monthly, Quarterly, Half yearly and Annual choose the one that suits you best
Once we receive your payment, you'll receive an email with a Telegram joining link. Join using Telegram App or web to receive premium research calls.
Once we receive the payment , you will get an E-mail with Telegram joining link. Join using Telegram App or web to receive premium research calls.
This service is purely for short term traders whose trading horizon is from 1 day to 2 weeks.
You will receive trading recommendations (cash as well as F&O segment), result updates on Nifty 50 stocks, important macro as well as micro economic updates.
You can join this service by paying a subscription amount.
You can pay the subscription amount by using either one of Net Banking, UPI, Credit or Debit cards.
Currently we don't have refund policy.