RNFI Services Limited -SME | Globe Capital Market LTD.
RNFI Services Limited -SME
Price Band
₹98 to ₹105 per share
IPO Issue Period
July 22, 2024 to July 24, 2024
Issue Size
₹70.81 Cr
Face value
₹10 per share
Fresh issue
₹70.81 Cr
Minimum Shares for Retail
Listing on
Issue Type
Book Built Issue
Registrar to the Issue
Skyline Financial Services Private Ltd
Tentative Listing Date
Monday, July 29, 2024

RNFI Services Limited is a financial technology firm that offers B2B and B2B2C solutions through its online portal and mobile application. It focuses on providing banking, digital, and Government-to-Citizen (G2C) services across India.

The company’s business can be divided into four categories:-

  • Business correspondent services;
  • Non-business correspondent services;
  • Full-fledged money changer service; and
  • Insurance broking.RNFI Services Limited is a financial technology firm that offers B2B and B2B2C solutions through its online portal and mobile application. It focuses on providing banking, digital, and Government-to-Citizen (G2C) services across India.

    The company’s business can be divided into four categories:-

    • Business correspondent services;
    • Non-business correspondent services;
    • Full-fledged money changer service; and
    • Insurance broking.

For year/ period ended (Rs. in lacs.)

31-Mar-24 31-Mar-23 31-Mar-22
Total Revenue 94,305.10 106,939.62 19,079.93
Profit After Tax 996.07 488.71 555.03
EPS 5.85 3.03 2.94
OPM (%) 2.06% 0.93% 5.20%
PATM (%) 1.06% 0.46% 2.95%


For year/ period ended ( in Cr.)

Company Name Market Cap (Cr.) Price P/BV P/E Sales (Cr.)
Net Profits(Cr.)



  • It has a holistic business model providing all-in-one solution in B2B and B2B2C models. Its wide ranging product and service portfolio enables us to spread our business risk and enhance our ability to adapt to changing market conditions.
  • It has a technology focused business model with an advanced digital platform.
  • It has an asset light and scalable business model as its business strategy revolves around a network partner-centric model that emphasizes lean capital investment for network expansion.
  • Its extensive network encompasses a diverse range of participants. As of June 3, 2024, it has a network base of over 3.60 lakh network partners with presence in 28 States and 5 Union territories.
  • It has experienced leadership backed by a skilled professional team continues to contribute to its business’s growth and profitability.

The net proceeds of the Issue, i.e. gross proceeds of the Issue less the issue expenses to the extent applicable to the Issue (“Net Proceeds”) are proposed to be utilised for the following objects:

  1. Funding the working capital requirements of the Company
  2. Funding Capital expenditure requirements for the Purchase of Micro ATMs/laptops/Server
  3. Strengthening our technology infrastructure to develop new capabilities
  4. Achieving inorganic growth through unidentified acquisitions and other strategic initiatives
  5. General Corporate Purposes

The company is engaged in telecommunication solution related services and has posted growth in its top and bottom lines for the reported periods. With the planned additional capacities going operational in coming years, the company is poised to scale up its performance.

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